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GAEL Literacy 
Leadership Institute I


The GAEL Literacy Leadership Institute is designed to help instructional leaders guide meaningful literacy development in their schools and collaborate with community stakeholders to strengthen instruction. Institute participants will leave with practical tools and strategies, grounded in research, to drive improvement in classroom instruction and community collaboration.  Tools will be added to this page throughout the progression of the institute. 

Register for the 2024-2025 Literacy Leadership Institute by clicking here.  

GAEL Literacy Leadership Institute I Day Two

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GAEL Literacy Leadership Institute I Day Three

GAEL Literacy Leadership Institute I Day Four

GAEL Literacy Leadership Institute I Day Five

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This toolbox is where you can download all the handouts discussed in Coaching Redefined.  

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GAELSTRONG: Sherry St. Clair and Instructional Leadership

GAEL sits down with Sherry St. Clair, author of Coaching Redefined, and instructional leadership expert to talk about the art and science of instructional coaching, leadership, and support. 

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